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An Intro to Making: What is EE

JUNE 23, 2025 — AUGUST 17, 2025


Time: Mo, We, and Fr 12:00 PM - 2:15 PM
Units: 5
Class Number: 23428
Interest Area: Creativity and Design
Population: High School, Undergraduate
Interest Area: Creativity and Design
Course Format & Length: In Person, 8 weeks


Is a hands-on class where students learn to make stuff. Through the process of building, you are introduced to the basic areas of EE. Students build a "useless box" and learn about circuits, feedback, and programming hardware, a light display for your desk and bike and learn about coding, transforms, and LEDs, a solar charger and an EKG machine and learn about power, noise, feedback, more circuits, and safety. And you get to keep the toys you build.

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