Summer 2025

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Arrival on Campus


All students must show proof of a negative rapid test, taken within 24 hours of their arrival, upon check-in at Roble Field. Students must stop by the Health Check tent to show Stanford staff a picture of their test results, taken next to their photo ID and some form of date verification.

Testing Positive at Check-In

Residential students who test positive for COVID-19 during check-in will be assisted with the check-in process, and must wear a mask and follow Summer Session and Stanford policies for students isolating in place within their residence.

Commuter students who test positive for COVID-19 will return home to begin self-isolation. All students may decide to leave campus and isolate with their families–for minor students–or on their own–for undergraduate and graduate students. Please notify a professional staff member if you decide to utilize this option.

All students who test positive for COVID-19 upon arrival will be able to continue progressing with their courses. They should contact their instructors and TAs for each of their courses to get guidance for remaining on track while isolating. All students with positive COVID-19 test results will be required to enter this information online. More information will be provided upon arrival to campus. Stanford and Summer Session will track students who test positive to ensure that they follow the required isolation guidelines.

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