Student Services Office Hours

The Student Services team will have office hours at Harmony House (561 Lomita Dr, Stanford, CA 94305) on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

2024 Stanford Summer Session Courses

Introduction to Matrix Methods

Formerly EE 103/ CME 103. Introduction to applied linear algebra with emphasis on applications. Vectors, norm, and angle; linear independence and orthonormal sets; applications to document analysis. Clustering and the k-means algorithm. Matrices, left and right inverses, QR factorization. Least-squares and model fitting, regularization and cross-validation. Constrained and nonlinear least-squares. Applications include time-series prediction, tomography, optimal control, and portfolio optimization. ENGR 108 and Math 104 cover complementary topics in applied linear algebra. The focus of ENGR 108 is on a few linear algebra concepts, and many applications; the focus of Math 104 is on algorithms and concepts.


Catalog Number
ENGR 108-01
Class Number
Course Cost
High School, Undergraduate, Graduate
Course Format & Length
In-Person, 8 weeks
Julia Costacurta

MATH 51 or CME 100, and basic knowledge of computing ( CS 106A is more than enough, and can be taken concurrently).

Course Notes

Undergraduate students should enroll for 5 units, and graduate students should enroll for 3 units.


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Estimated Tuition

: $0
Students who take Summer Session courses are awarded Stanford credit. Course costs are set by the university, based on number of units. Estimates shown here do not reflect the full cost of tuition and fees.
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