Student Services Office Hours

The Student Services team will have office hours at Harmony House (561 Lomita Dr, Stanford, CA 94305) on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

2024 Stanford Summer Session Courses

Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern Applications

This course provides unified coverage of linear algebra and multivariable differential calculus, and the free course e-text connects the material to many fields. Linear algebra in large dimensions underlies the scientific, data-driven, and computational tasks of the 21st century. The linear algebra portion includes orthogonality, linear independence, matrix algebra, and eigenvalues with applications such as least squares, linear regression, and Markov chains (relevant to population dynamics, molecular chemistry, and PageRank); the singular value decomposition (essential in image compression, topic modeling, and data-intensive work in many fields) is introduced in the final chapter of the e-text. The multivariable calculus portion includes unconstrained optimization via gradients and Hessians (used for energy minimization), constrained optimization (via Lagrange multipliers, crucial in economics), gradient descent and the multivariable Chain Rule (which underlie many machine learning algorithms, such as backpropagation), and Newton's method (an ingredient in GPS and robotics). The course emphasizes computations alongside an intuitive understanding of key ideas. The widespread use of computers makes it important for users of math to understand concepts: novel users of quantitative tools in the future will be those who understand ideas and how they fit with examples and applications. For frequently asked questions about the differences between Math 51 and CME 100, see the FAQ on the placement page on the Math Department website. If you have not previously taken a calculus course at Stanford then you must have taken the math placement diagnostic (offered through the Math Department website) in order to register for this course.


Catalog Number
MATH 51-01
Class Number
Course Cost
High School, Undergraduate, Graduate
Interest Area
Math and Data Science
Course Format & Length
In-Person, 8 weeks
Wickham, Z.

Math 21 or equivalent (e.g. 5 on the AP Calculus BC test or suitable score on certain international exams: offered through the Math Department website.

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Course Notes

All visiting students (i.e., non-Stanford) must fill out the Summer Prerequisite form.


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Estimated Tuition

: $0
Students who take Summer Session courses are awarded Stanford credit. Course costs are set by the university, based on number of units. Estimates shown here do not reflect the full cost of tuition and fees.
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